Waking Up to Your Self: A Guide to Living Your Truth by Patrick Marando




Drawing on more than 20 years of experience as a spiritual teacher and psychologist, Patrick Marando has written a guide to remembering who you really are - teaching how you, too, can live from the state he calls the true self. Patrick bridges the gap between spirituality and modern psychology, describing how we become disconnected from our true self, providing a guide to remembering your truth and fully awakening to who you are. The result will be a life of well-being, peace, and fulfillment.

Patrick also discusses how the mind develops and functions, how it doesn't always align with the true self; he explains how to utilize our minds to help - instead of limit - us. He thoroughly describes our common emotions and tells us why we have them, how to manage and utilize them to help align with the true self.

With his clear explanations and practical exercises, Patrick has created a step-by-step guide to being human and overcoming the barriers to living your truth.

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Purchase from Collective Ink - HERE


Patrick Marando is a spiritual teacher and psychologist from Sydney, Australia, with over 20 years of experience. His spiritual teachings revolve around bridging the gap between spirituality and psychology using his studies in Zen Buddhism, Taoism, Non-Dualism, New Age philosophies and modern psychology, and focus on living from a state of truth. He had his first awakening experience at the age of 28, and since that time, his awakening has grown deeper and deeper. It is from his wealth of experience and knowledge that he continues to teach philosophies he himself discovered and brought into his life.


Well this was nothing short of AMAZING! I loved the whole concept of this book, but I do love books like this anyway. Books that make you think more positively, teach you something about yourself, and help you to be a better you.

My intentions when reading this book was just to simply skim over it and find certain parts that I was interested in. But I found myself totally enthralled and absorbing every single word of this book. It was fascinating! I was highlighting and flagging so much of the book.

I loved the chapter on emotions - what they are, the good and the bad. How to recognize them, how to overcome them, and tools to help you live peacefully with them.

There are activities or practices to put into play throughout the book, questions to answer, lists to go through - love it! I really did learn a lot, and even some things about myself.

This is what the book looked like when I finished. Definitely a book I will be going through again.

I voluntarily posted this review after receiving a copy of this book from Collective Ink Books -  Thank You!!


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