My Mother's Lies - Diane Saxon


3.5 Stars


She’s been lying my whole life...

As if my mum breaking her hip and being rushed to hospital isn’t shocking enough for one day, now in her post-operative delirium, she’s just told me I’m not her daughter. That she has never been able to have children.

The nurse reassures me that people are often confused after a trauma. But I know this woman so well and I can tell there’s a grain of truth in what she says. Which begs the questions: Who am I? Where did I come from?

When I dig into the truth, I suddenly stir up a hornet’s nest of secrets, lies – and possibly a crime so unfathomable – that stretches back decades.

What has my mum done?

Can I trust her?

Or has my digging put us both in peril of our lives?

Diane Saxon’s new, absorbing thriller explores deceit, love, loyalty and family ties.

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Diane Saxon previously wrote romantic fiction for the US market but has now turned to writing psychological crime. Find Her Alive was her first novel in this genre and introduced series character DS Jemma Morgan. She is married to a retired policeman and lives in Shropshire.


UGH, I hate to say this, but this one was just OK for me! I kept wanting to love it but I just didn't. But I didn't hate it either. It kept going back and forth between being very good and slow for me. The "very good" parts were just that - VERY GOOD! 

This story goes back and forth between two main characters - Grace, the mom, and Siobhan, the daughter. It also goes from present day to past, to way past. This was a little confusing at first but the author does a great job of clearly labeling each chapter. And I do typically love books like this!

My favorite part was Grace's story. These were the "very good" parts for me. I just wanted to read a whole book about her. I thought she was amazing! Unfortunately though I  never really felt for Siobhan. I don't think we would have been friends in real life. LOL

This is not the end of my relationship with Diane Saxon though. I absolutely loved "The Good Twin". See my 5 star review here -

So I definitely will give her another try. Please judge by my review alone. Others, you, might love this book! So, give it a try and judge for yourself. There are a few really good twists in here! :-)

I voluntarily posted this review after receiving a copy of this book from Rachel's Random Resources -  Thank You!!


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