Coping (Girl With Broken Wings, book 2) - J Bennett

3.5 Stars

Maya, a quirky and likable heroine, is intent on joining her half-brothers in their secret war against the genetically-enhanced killers that call themselves angels. Still trying to cope with her new abilities and the hunger that threatens to overwhelm her, Maya may be more of a hindrance than a help to her brothers as they take on a new mission and make a horrifying discovery. 

J Bennett is a professional copywriter and author who lives in San Diego with her adorable bunny, Avalon. Learn more at or

I actually liked this second book a little better than the first! I understood more of what was happening, there was no more learning curve, LOL. So I could just enjoy the story for what it was - a nice fun paranormal with a lot of excitement and action!

There was also better character development in this one. I felt like the characters started to take on more personalities and I knew and liked them better. Especially Maya, you as the reader got inside her head a little more in this book and understood her more.

This series is a nice quick fun read if you like paranormal with originality! I am now looking forward to reading the third - "Landing" which I will review next month.

Thank you I.O. Book Tours for sending me these e-books to read and review! 

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