Conquering your Goliaths A Parable of the Five Stones Guidebook

I also had the opportunity to read and review the Guidebook to use with the book - "Conquering Your Goliaths". I have to admit - I had to read this rather quickly (one day, LOL) so I could fit it in by the end of the month. BUT... I can tell it is really a great study guide. It does go along with the book but it really goes along with the Bible!

This guide is broken up into sections that goes along with the 5 stones - Listening, Trust, Optimism, Tenacity, and Constancy. It does make references to the book but also gives you lots to think about, and lots to write about. There are questions and activities to do. This would really be great for a group - like a woman's group or even a teen group!

Here are some examples -
"When was the last time you put prayer before your daily shower, scripture reading before breakfast, journal writing before making your bed? A heavenly focus includes all those worthwhile things you say you want to do when you “get the time.” But what if I told you that you already have the time and merely need to make room for it?

Television is important—in moderation. So is our time on the Internet or answering our emails. Attending church once a week will inspire us to move forward with our goals and getting involved within our church community and neighborhood will help us to stay focused outward, keeping us further away from depression and those “woe is me” feelings.

Make a list of your current day-to-day schedule. Start your list with what you do when you wake up and the time you go to sleep. Discuss your schedule with a neighbor and make changes in at least two areas."
Here she is talking about when bad things happen to us and the healing process -
*    Don’t fight it. If you feel as if you deserve to feel it, you do, but the longer you hang on to it, the easier it is to (literally) lose it.
*    Feel it. Write it out. Talk to someone close to you about it. Don’t hold it in.
*    Get help. Talk to God.
*   Forgive yourself. Forgive the other person.
*   Make a list of the positive things happening in your life. Share them with someone. Share them with God.
*   Change your thinking process. Instead of asking, “Why me?” ask, “What can I learn from this experience?” And then have the courage to learn it.
Kathryn talks a lot about "journaling" this is something I have always wanted to do but have never been very good at! I'm not good at the keeping it up part. My daughter has kept journals off and on for years.
In just the short time I spent going through this guidebook - I found it to be very comprehensive, up close and personal. I think if you use it honestly you might just find out some things about yourself you didn't know.
You also might find the help you were seeking! 

Available from Amazon - HERE


  1. This book looks like it takes a really interesting and well rounded approach to it's material, and I would be interested in taking a deeper look at it. It probably houses a lot of lessons that I really need to apply to my life. Great review today!

  2. I'm going to look up this book. It sounds really interesting.

    The can I used for the Alphabet Soup was 16 oz. Thanks for saying Hi. I like hearing from my readers.


  3. I like the guides that have writing components. It forces me to reflect more.


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