Fun Friday!

I am starting a new "book meme" - Fun Friday!
If you would like to do this with me - please just link your post back to me.

Every Friday I will post something "fun" - a video. a picture, a funny book quote, etc.
I will also be posting any winners of my giveaways for that week (hey, winning a book is fun - right?)

So - this weeks winners are -

Addressing Spirits, by Carla Foft - Ricki @ Ricki @Reading Challenged
A Horse Called Trouble, by C K Volnek - Lisa Garrett

I have to include this bookish video, it is soooo cute! 


  1. I saw this video the other day. It's fantastic, isn't it! Happy Friday Wendy.

  2. Congratulations to your winners! I also saw this video the other day, and I loved it! I can only imagine what my books get up to when I am not home!

  3. First time viewing for me. I bet it took ages to amek :D


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