RAT - hour 14


Books read -
"Spell Bound" by Rachel Hawkins
"I Walk in Dread" (A Salem Witch trial book), by Lisa Rowe Fraustino

Reading now - The Ghost and the Gost
On page - 126
Total pages read so far-646

 From the book - "I walk in Dread: The Diary of Deliverance Trembley, Witness to the Salem Witch Trials (1691)"
Witch Cake -

"Mix rye meal with urine from the bewitched, bake the cake in ashes, and give it to the dog to eat. This is suppose to hurt the witch and cause her to reveal herself."

Another great quote fro this book - "Suicide is the only sin that can never be repented."


  1. That is a cool cake and a good quote. 600 pages - you go girl!

  2. Replies
    1. Yeah because you are not the one getting the snacks and drinks and polishing your toenails (ok I made that one up) but seriously! I am not your RAT slave!

    2. the proper term is Book RAT slave and you did all those things voluntarily. Now that you mention it, my toenails could use a coat or two! ;)

  3. I'm still having a hard time thinking of something for that challenge. Maybe my brain is over excited because of the caffeine.

  4. Yum - cake! Even the black frosting looks good to me. I'm not letting myself have any sugary snacks (because it would make me even MORE sleepy) but I feel my resolve waning...

    You are burning up the pages as usual - way to go!

  5. Alexis, mom didn't even know that there was a picture challenge lol. I just told her to enter this post because it fit a challenge perfectly so she is! haha silly mom

    1. Oh shush! You are not suppose to tell the world all about our life!

    2. Imagine if you had a facebook mom! haha Social Networking: more commonly known as "big fat intrusive billboard of TMI"


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