RAT - hour 17!


Books read -
"Spell Bound" by Rachel Hawkins
"I Walk in Dread" (A Salem Witch trial book), by Lisa Rowe Fraustino

Reading now - The Ghost and the Goth (almost finished)
On page -  220
Total pages read so far- 740

Martina has moved on to her book about Koalas, she finds them fascinating! 
She has read 5 pages so far! Smaaat kitty!

Even the fish wanted to get on the RAT - notice they are reading a "Beach book".


  1. I have to agree with Ashley. Maybe a little sleep deprived by now. I wish I could get Sammy to read but he only thinks books are for eating. I know it's horrifying.

  2. I'm looking at those pages read with my mouth open! Wow!!

  3. Too cute! Perhaps my cats were really wanting to read a book when I thought they wanted lap time.

  4. You and your reading animals! They're giving me the giggles.


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