RAT - hour 19 (I think)


Books read -
"Spell Bound" by Rachel Hawkins
"I Walk in Dread" (A Salem Witch trial book), by Lisa Rowe Fraustino
"The Ghost and the Goth"

Reading now - "Dangerous Neighbors"
On page -  58
Total pages read so far- 859

Mini challenge - Theme Songs
*Name of your current read and the author
*Link the song in the comments OR post it on your blog and leave that link in the comments (Use sources like YouTube, artist websites, or song lyrics sites)
*Explain briefly why that song fits: the theme, a character, a scene in the book.

This is "Last Kiss" by Pearl Jam (great song!!!!)
My book is "The Ghost and the Goth" by Stacey Kade 
Its about a girl who died in a car accident, but sticks around and talks to a guy from her school to find out why she has not passed on.


  1. Sad song, I was tearing up out here while you were listening to it.

  2. You're doing great! Keep it up! Only 5 more hours!

  3. Alas, the cats have said I must go to bed...we bid you all a goodnight and good reading

  4. Love the song! It brought tears to my eyes.....not many songs can do that to me


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