RAT hour 3


Reading now - Spell Bound
On page - 160

This book is great so far! I just love the whole series!

Alexis - Reflections of a bookaholic is doing a mini-challenge

From page 32 of your current book inset a line between the dashes -
Here's mine -
"I would rather read than - hold the hilt of a knife, a knife that had apparently just been hurled at my head - any day!"

Hope y'all are still reading - no naps yet!

Here's some pics of the daughter and I -
I think she's enjoying the book!
 And her coffee!
The daughter always takes such good pics of me!
 This book is very intense at times!


  1. Hahaha, what can I say! It's a funny book! :)

  2. Cute pictures! Glad you are enjoying your books! I need to check out the Hex Hall series.

  3. Lovely pictures, it's nice to actually see you! Apparently, when I read I look real mad. I realized this was true once when reading next to a mirror, I caught sight of myself and it frightened the life out of me!lol, have a great weekend, Sally xx

    1. Oh my gosh, that is the funniest thing!

    2. Actually I tend to furrow my brow when I type for long periods of time, and I always type better when I don't look at the keys or the screen, so I tend to stare off into space.

      Once, in college, I was typing a paper, brow furrowed and staring into space... I guess I just so happened to be staring in my room mates direction because she snapped me out of my typing trance when she said, "Um... Ashley? Are you mad at me or something? You're glaring at me while you type!" Haha whoops

  4. Looks like the 'serious' thon'ers are having a good time :)

    1. I hope you are feelin better! at least good enough to read.

    2. I'm managing. The sudafed & mucinex helped some :)

    3. Wont the sudafed make you sleepy! You are flirting with disaster jenn!

    4. Lol, so far I'm not sleepy...although as I typed that I yawned

  5. It looks like you're having fun and enjoying your book. Keep the coffee going! Lol.


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