RAT - hour... oh who the heck cares anymore???


Books read -
"Spell Bound" by Rachel Hawkins
"I Walk in Dread" (A Salem Witch trial book), by Lisa Rowe Fraustino
"The Ghost and the Goth"
"Dangerous Neighbors"  - boooooooring!

Reading now - Teenie, by Christopher Grant (much better reading! this should keep me awake till the end)
On page - 29
Total pages read so far- 998

The daughter posted a "wake up" video so I thought I would, well that and I just love REM!


  1. I don't know, Ashley kind of convinced me that you were falling asleep. I don't know what to think ;P

  2. Congrats! This is my first time making it to the end :)

    Good night now.

  3. Wow! Four books! You are kicking butt!


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