RAT - hour 8

Books read - Spell Bound
Reading now - I Walk in Dread
On page -  69
Total pages read so far- 395

Well its raining outside (well that's dumb, where else would it be raining - inside?)
and it is real chilly, so no sitting and reading on the porch.

Martina is resting now. Reading is hard work and very tiring!
Total pages she has read - 2

Friends who are doing the Rat -
At Random
Jenn and the Cats
Reflections of a bookaholic 


  1. hahahaha well I suppose it could be raining inside, if you had a leak... or one of those fancy water sprinkler systems and there was a fire... or if the top of the sprayer at the sink came off and shot water all over the ceiling...

    yes folks, that last one really did happen in our very own kitchen! Remember that mom?

  2. Wait a minute... I don't think Martina actually read all of those two pages! Now if we kept track of pages laid on, then yes she would have two.

    1. Come on now! Giver her credit!
      She's a very smart kitty!
      She has eyes in her fur so she can read while laying down.

    2. I don't think that's quite right.... lol

    3. Lol, yeah that's kind of a scary thought! One that makes me happy that I have a dog :)

  3. Man! Four hundred pages! You put my 200 to shame.....I guess I should just admit I took a reading break and went to the mall....for three hours :) I'm guessing reading for 24 hours isn't really my thing

    1. What? are you kidding me? You went to the mall! For shame for shame!

  4. I'm so jealous you already have 400 pages done. Wish I could have stayed home all day. But I'm back now, and ready to roll! Loved the photos - especially the kitty ones.

  5. Fantastic reading day!!

    By the way, the earlier tmi literally almost made me spit out my drink. Hilarious!

    Keep up the great work and turn that ringer off!! :D

    NovaReylin @ CrtMusings.com [Cheer Team:Puck]

  6. You're a reading machine! I've read about 10 pages I think. Lol. Poor Martina, she's exhausted from all that reading and then that tuna scare is pretty taxing too you know. Lol.

    1. I know how she feels! I am scared to eat chicken for fear of salmanila and now I have to be worried about tuna as well!?!

    2. Hahahah you guys are too funny!

  7. PS thanks for the shout out, I feel so special today

  8. I just saw that I'm in your friends list. Thanks!! You are so sweet :)


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