Its Non-Fiction Saturday!

Wines - Of Eastern North America
By - Hudson Cattell

4 Stars!

In 1975 there were 125 wineries in eastern North America. By 2013 there were more than 2,400. How and why the eastern United States and Canada became a major wine region of the world is the subject of this history. Unlike winemakers in California with its Mediterranean climate, the pioneers who founded the industry after Prohibitionā€”1933 in the United States and 1927 in Ontarioā€”had to overcome natural obstacles such as subzero cold in winter and high humidity in the summer that favored diseases devastating to grapevines. Enologists and viticulturists at Eastern research stations began to find grapevine varieties that could survive in the East and make world-class wines. These pioneers were followed by an increasing number of dedicated growers and winemakers who fought in each of their states to get laws dating back to Prohibition changed so that an industry could begin.

Hudson Cattell co-founded and edited Wine East magazine for more than twenty-five years and continues to contribute a "Wine East" section to Wines & Vines. He is a partner of L & H Photojournalism in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and has written extensively on Eastern grapes and wines. His most recent book, written with Linda Jones McKee, is Pennsylvania Wine: A History.

What a great book! If you are interested in eastern North American history, or interested in the history of wine and wine making - this is the perfect book for you! I do have to warn you though (and the reason for only 4 instead of 5 stars) it is not quick and easy reading. I did skim through parts of it that I was not interested in. But with this book you can do just that. Read the parts that you are interested in! A lot of this book was fascinating to me. But of course I do live in the fingerlakes "wine country"  of upstate NY! So I might find this more interesting than some others might. I am also a wine drinker and frequent winery visitor. Quite a few of the wineries he mentioned - I had been to. It was fun to read about the history of some of the wineries.

I do however, think you could enjoy this book even if you are not from the eastern US - it is just very interesting reading! And there are lots of pictures.

Thank you Netgalley and "Cornell University Press" for giving me this e-book to read and review!

Get your copy from B&N - HERE
or from Amazon - HERE


  1. Hi Wendy. Looks like you're reading a lot of great books, as usual. Hope your cold is better! Will miss you again at the RAT tomorrow. You are responsible for getting me addicted to these things! Hope to see you next time.


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