Slave Again - Alana Terry (with a GIVEAWAY!)

5 Stars!

She traded in her prison uniform for shackles of a different kind.

After escaping a North Korean prison camp, Mee-Kyong is hustled over the border and sold into the Chinese underworld. She vows to survive, but sheer determination and willpower won't save her this time. Is she fated to remain a slave forever?

Slave Again is written by Christian suspense novelist Alana Terry, winner of numerous awards, including the Women of Faith writing contest and the Readers' Favorite gold medal for religious fiction.

Alana is passionate about human-rights issues in North Korea and has devoted her writing to raise both awareness and funds to help North Korean refugees find freedom and safety. You can find out more about Liberty in North Korea and Alanaā€™s rescue campaign at

Wow, just wow! This is a very powerful story. If you judge a book by how many tears you shed for the characters this would rate a 100. I was bawling by the end of this book and had to stop several times to wipe my face of tears. I love a story that holds so much emotion that it will do that to me. This is definitely a book that will stay with me a long time. 

This story will keep you on the edge of your seat wondering what will become of the characters. And - there is a little twist at the end which I loved! Of course its what put me into a fit of tears, but I loved it.

This is a follow up book to Beloved Daughter, but to be honest it totally can be read as a stand alone. But I do recommend you also read Beloved Daughter just because it is also so good!

Alan Terry has proven to be a very good author indeed.
Read my 5 star review of "Beloved Daughter" - HERE
I am really looking forward to her next book - Torn Asunder

(this video has a brief violent image)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thank you Alana for sending me this e-book for my honest review!

Get your copy from Amazon - HERE 


  1. I think I won the audiobook for this. So glad to hear that it's good!

  2. I love the cover, and the book sounds absolutely amazing. I am looking forward to reading it.

  3. I am intrigued by this one!

    mauback55 at gmail dot com

  4. Thanks so much for joining the blog tour!


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