Shadows in My Room & What's That Noise?: Bedtime Stories - Linda Weaver Clarke (Audible Version)

5 Stars

In each of these stories, a mother helps her little girl understand her fears at night.
"Shadows in My Room": Kayla sees shadows in her room that disturb her. Her mother answers all her questions about each shadow that she points to and helps her to calm down and go to sleep.
"What's That Noise?": Amber hears noises that disturb her, such as the wind and thunder. Her mother teaches Amber to use her imagination by turning something fearful into something fun.

Linda Weaver Clarke travels throughout the United States, teaching and encouraging people to write their family history and autobiography. She is the mother of six daughters and has several grandchildren. Clarke is the author of an award-winning sweet romance, Melinda and the Wild West, for the “Reviewers Choice Award.” She has several historical sweet romances, a mystery/adventure series, and a children’s book. She has also written two non-fiction e-books: Reflections of the Heart and Writing Your Family Legacy. All her books are family friendly.

I listened to this on my iPod using the audible version.
I love the idea of audio books for children, especially for bedtime! This one is perfect. I can picture a mother and child laying on the bed together listening together. My own daughter is 28 and no grandchildren on the way... yet, so I have to imagine (hint hint).

A lot of children are afraid of the dark, afraid of noises and shadows in the dark. This book is a real nice way of dealing with it together.
These are very quick and easy to understand, so great for the very young.

Also - surprisingly, I really liked the reader! This doesn't happen often. I thought the reader did a great job, especially the children's voices!

Altogether - very enjoyable. Perfect for young kids and parents (or grandparents). I can't wait to listen to this with my own future grandchildren.

Thank you Linda Weaver Clarke for send me this audio for my honest review.

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