The Plant Paradox - Steven R. Gundry
I don't really know how to rate this book!
I guess I will give 4 stars - because it was interesting and does have me thinking...
or re-thinking what I eat!
At his waitlist-only clinics in California, Dr. Gundry has successfully treated tens of thousands of patients suffering from autoimmune disorders, diabetes, leaky gut syndrome, heart disease, and neurodegenerative diseases with a protocol that detoxes the cells, repairs the gut, and nourishes the body. Now, in The Plant Paradox, he shares this clinically proven program with readers around the world.
The simple (and daunting) fact is, lectins are everywhere. Thankfully, Dr. Gundry offers simple hacks we easily can employ to avoid them, including: ·
Peel your veggies. Most of the lectins are contained in the skin and seeds of plants; simply peeling and de-seeding vegetables (like tomatoes and peppers) reduces their lectin content. ·
Shop for fruit in season. Fruit contain fewer lectins when ripe, so eating apples, berries, and other lectin-containing fruits at the peak of ripeness helps minimize your lectin consumption. ·
Swap your brown rice for white. Whole grains and seeds with hard outer coatings are designed by nature to cause digestive distress—and are full of lectins.
With a full list of lectin-containing foods and simple substitutes for each, a step-by-step detox and eating plan, and delicious lectin-free recipes, The Plant Paradox illuminates the hidden dangers lurking in your salad bowl—and shows you how to eat whole foods in a whole new way.
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Steven R. Gundry, MD, FACS, FACC, is the director of the International Heart and Lung Institute in Palm Springs, California, and the founder/director of The Center for Restorative Medicine in Palm Springs and Santa Barbara.
Find out more about Dr. Gundry and his work at his website, and connect with him on Facebook.
Hmmm... this was interesting reading, that's for sure. But, as I do with everything I read - I am taking in this info with a grain of salt (just one grain! I promise!). I am not saying I don't believe him, or that he didn't do his homework. I am so sure he did! I am just saying I am not sure I am ready to trade in my brown rice and go back to eating white - and giving up fruit when all along we were told fruit was good for you!!! I will just have to process all this and do some research on my own and come to my own conclusions. I do have a good friend that has a PHD in nursing - I want her to take a look at this book and get her take on it.
Usually when I read a book on health and nutrition it is just reconfirming stuff that I already knew. But this... Well I have never read any of this before. I am just not sure how to take it. I am not ready to undo everything I have learned and do it all differently. I am not really sure if I will try this "Plant paradox program" or not. I will give it some thought.
I really liked the section on GMO's I totally agreed with everything he said there, and I did learn a few things. But seriously this book leaves you running scared - running from the store pulling out your hair wondering "What can I eat?" After reading this you almost don't want to buy food at the grocery store ever again!
The first half of this book is informational... and scary! Grain of salt! I'm still processing it all.
The second half is about the Plant Paradox program.
~ Phase 1 - The 3 day cleanse (modified fast) - good thing I love veggies especially broccoli, I can eat all of that I want!
~ Phase 2 - Repair and restore (6 weeks) - this is where you start introducing more foods - thank goodness he gives you a list of foods that you can eat and it is surprisingly long! You absolutely have to follow the list of foods!
~Phase 3 - Reap the rewards - You can now gradually introduce some of the "no" foods.
And! Yay there is a menu section with recipes!
Coffee??? Holy crap! Coffee is on the menu! I'm sold!
Seriously - I may just do this for the challenge alone! Am I up for it? Can I do it? I always thought I was a pretty healthy eater, but after reading this book I'm not so sure anymore. Would I be able to stick to the "Yes" food list and not be tempted to ever eat a "no" food for 6 weeks?
To say the very least, this book and the idea behind it was very interesting and I do believe you would loose weight and certainly be healthier! But could we really eat like this in the real world? I find it hard enough being a vegetarian. Being a veg. and eating like this - I almost think it would be next to impossible. It is good "food for thought" though!
Again - am I up for the challenge? I'll think about it and let you know!
I voluntarily posted this review after receiving a copy of this book from TLC book tours - Thank You!
It is indeed "food for thought" - that's a perfect phrase for this book.
ReplyDeleteThanks for being a part of the tour!
I'll bet the author would be thrilled to hear you're even thinking about his opinions. That's really all of us can ask, right?