Air Guitar and Caviar by Jackie Ladbury (Spotlight)

Busker Dylan spends his days pulling pints in the local pub and singing on the high street, waiting for fame to call. That suits him fine, until beautiful, but frosty, air stewardess, Scarlett, tosses some coins into his hat but ignores his killer smile and his offer of pizza.

He sets out to get the girl, but Scarlett isn’t in the right frame of mind to date anyone, let alone a penniless, if charming, busker boy.

Dylan's desperate for his big break, but will it bring him the happiness he longs for? And with Scarlett's past threatening to ruin her future, will Dylan be left to make sweet music all on his own?

Genre: Contemporary Romance 
Tour Dates: 5th to 11th January 2018
Publication Date: February 2016
Formats available: Mobi or PDF
Publisher - Fabrian Books
Standalone Novel
Estimated Page Count - 199
Types of post available: Review, Guest Post, Q&A, Extracts
Purchase from Amazon

Jackie Ladbury's website -



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