JUST SIT by Sukey Novogratz and Elizabeth Novogratz

5 Stars!

From the cofounders of The Well Daily, a playfully-illustrated, informative, and easy-to-use meditation guidebookā€”including an eight-week plan for busy novicesā€”that helps even the busiest would-be meditator incorporate this practice into their lifestyle and enjoy its many physical and emotional benefits.

Weā€™ve all heard the reports about meditation: that it helps us relieve stress and anxiety, improve our moods, lose weight, and sleep better. We know that it can make us healthier, nicer, a kinder parent, a better coworker, a more thoughtful spouse. But thereā€™s a catchā€”you actually have to do it.

Written for the many, many people whose schedule or skepticism has kept them from trying meditation, Just Sit is an approachable and visually engaging beginnerā€™s guide. Assuaging fears, answering questions, and providing real-world information to demystify the process, Sukey and Elizabeth Novogratz provide a hands-on look at what meditation really is, what is does, and how to do it. The authors make clear that meditation doesnā€™t have to be complicated or follow a specific protocol. The most important part, to ā€œjust sit,ā€ can lead to a lifelong practice, tailored to anyoneā€™s lifestyle.

A perfect blend of information and instruction, Just Sit covers everything you wanted to know but were too afraid to ask. Sukey and Elizabeth address meditation myths and realities, offer advice on how to combat awkwardness, extoll the physical and emotional benefits of meditation, show readers how to find those precious minutes to meditate every day, and more. They also include an eight-week plan to get help readers kick startā€”and stay withā€”their own daily practice.

Time to ditch the excuses. With this warm, encouraging, sassy guide, everyone will want to show upā€”and sit downā€”every day.

Visit justsit.com to find out more.

Purchase Links

HarperCollins | Amazon | Barnes & Noble


Sukey and Elizabeth Novogratz are two of the founders of the celebrated newsletter The Well Daily. Elizabeth is the co-author of Downtown Chic and Home by Novogratz, and lives in Brooklyn, NY. Sukey is the executive producer of the acclaimed documentary The Hunting Ground.

Together, Elizabeth and Sukey have travelled the world to study meditation in every kind of classroom, from Lakota sweat lodges to Tibet House, from ashrams to vision quests to Oneness retreats. They have learned from many renowned teachers, including Sharon Salzberg, Krishna Das, Ram Dass, Amma, and the monks at One World Academy in Chennai, India. Their inspiration for writing this book is drawn from friends, readers, and complete strangers who echoed their own questions about how to take the first steps toward making meditation part of a more mindful, reflective, and joyful life.

This book is Fan-tas-tic!!!! Part of the title says "For those who know they should but don't" While I do think that's true, much of this book is dedicated to telling you the benefits of Meditation and tries to convince you to do so - I think this book is really for anyone! I am not new to meditation. I used to meditate everyday and I did reap the benefits (and there are many). I haven't done so in a long time and know I should get back to meditating. This book really makes me feel like I want to.

There a lot of drawings and charts that make this more fun to read and actually easier because it breaks it up and draws your eye to the important stuff.
The part that goes into detail about the whys, hows, and wheres, etc. even for someone like me who is not new to this, was very interesting and I actually learned a lot that I didn't already know.
But of course the part I liked the best was the step-by-step instructions for many different little meditations! These were great and I can't wait to try some. Some of them are very basic (for beginners or even a young person) and some of them are longer and more detailed. It tells you how to breath, how to sit and how to focus. Starting out small, short and very easy and teaches you how to lengthen them and get more intense. The whole time giving you lots of options to choose what is right for you.

I can tell you from my own experience - Everything they say in this book is absolutely true! Meditating will change your life! It did mine! It is so easy... and cheap! Why not try it?

Here are a few pictures from the book -

You really want to try it now don't you???  Take it from an experienced mediator - this book is great- for everyone! Sitting, breathing... what can it hurt?

I voluntarily posted this review after receiving a copy of this book from TLC Book Tours Thank You!!


  1. What an interesting way she's presented meditation! I have been interested in meditation lately; I'll have to check it out.

    Thank you for being on the tour!


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