
Showing posts from January, 2017

Fatal Accusation - Rachel Dylan - Release Day!!

THE FIFTH PETAL by Brunonia Barry

Secrets From the Eating Lab - Traci Mann, Ph.D

Love Me Like You Do - Sasha Clinton

Essential Readings & Study Guide - K. V. Dominic

Boots and Bedlam - Ashley Farley

Rice and Rocks - Sandra L Richards

Mystery on the Bayou - Linda Weaver Clarke (Audio)

Among The Lost: In Dante's Wake: Book 2 - Seth Steinzor

Zucchini's Zany Life - Marilla Mulwane

Superlife: The 5 Forces That Will Make You Healthy, Fit, and Eternally Awesome - Darin Olien

Intomesee: In Pursuit of a Passionate Life - Maha Erwin

The Judas Game - Ethan Cross